Our letter Q

Ok I was a slacker this week. But here is our activities for the letter Q.












We also played a game called “what’s quiet” when I whispered lets be quiet we tried to be as quiet as possible. When I talked in my regular voice they were allowed to yell.

We played a Simon says type of game. Id tell them to do something like jump on one leg. They continued to do so until I said “quit”.

We played with quarters and saw how they are different from other coins.

Our lessons with the letter P

This letter was so much fun! I never realized how many animals started with the letter P. If you see something you like, pin it. Have any questions or suggestions? Please leave me a comment below. Here are pictures from the week we learned about the letter p.















We took a walk one morning to look for planes and check out some different plants.





Videos we watched:
what a piano sounds like

Songs we sang:
I am a pizza

Games we played:
Hot potato hot potato

Movies we watched:
Happy feet

Oh shut it, 2015 is almost here…

So I have NEVER made resolutions. I had no desire to do so. But this year I thought I might as well make a list of a few things I hope to accomplish within this new year. If they don’t get completed…. Oh well. Shit happens.

But my list is:

-Lose 30lbs

-Run another 5k

-Make home made cookies with the kids

-Hold less grudge (this will be very hard for me!!)

-Help someone’s life in a positive way.

-Forgive myself and give myself a little slack.

-Accept and appreciate things/ people I can’t change (this too will also be very hard for me as well)

-Be a better wife to my husband and remember he was here before we had children.

-Be a better mom and remember they won’t live under my roof forever and I’m going to miss this.

-Hike more often.

-Be the change I wish to see in the world.


The letter N

So I’ve hit a point where I’m running low on creativity on how to teach letters to my children. I never want it to be boring so I strive to think of fun ideas. They are not complaining by any means. I just personally wish I could spark some new creativity to teach them. Below is our lessons with the letter N.
















We also discussed night. We discussed how the moon and stars are more easily seen at night. And we read this book: Good Night Moon

We also watched the video: the letter N

If you have any questions on our activities please ask. Also if you see anything you like please pin my blog on pinterest 🙂

Christmas grinch ornaments

What you will need:

Tooth pick
1 cup of salt
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of water

Mix the salt, flour and water all together. Roll it out to make it flat. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.

Make hand print in the dough. Cut around the hand print. DON’T forget to take a toothpick and make a hole at the top for your ribbon. Place your cut out handprint on a cookie sheet. Bake for about 4-6 hours. Remember to make sure your dough is completely dry before painting it. If you paint it while it’s still moist you have a chance of your ornament becoming moldy.

Once it’s done- paint as desired. Here is our for this year. IMG_5054.JPG


My 4th child… I mean my husband

I adore my husband. He’s a great man and father to our children but he surely annoys the hell out of me! He’s always making jokes, leaving his underwear lay around. He walks over trash rather than picking it up and throwing it away. He wears jeans with holes and bright orange or yellow neon sweat shirts. He picks his nose and flicks it. He sleeps with socks on and I always wake up with him next to my face. He plays candy crush for an hour in the bathroom as soon as he gets home from work and claims to be going potty. His idea of cleaning is stuffing everything in one area. I could honestly keep going all day! But I thought adding a couple of videos would do the trick! Enjoy

my facebook page

video 2

video 3

video 4

10 things I believe

Let me start by saying not everyone will believe the same things as I do. Not everyone will agree with me. I can not please everyone and have no desire to try. That’s exhausting!

So here goes nothing.. 10 things I believe:

1. I believe most people who fail at breastfeeding do so because lack of information and support. Too many times the excuse is “my milk dried up”. Where this is possible, it seems to be most people’s go to excuse as to why they stopped. Using that excuse often times simple just means: lack of education/information on the subject.

2. I believe that if a fart stinks…. You need to poop! Plain and simple. Take your smelly ass to the bathroom.

3. I believe too many parents on ignorant on the subject of car seats. Just because your child is 20lbs doesn’t mean you need to forward face them. Broken legs are much better than a broken neck.

4. I believe magic eraser is a gift from God!!!

5. I believe stay at home moms have one of the hardest jobs ever. Since becoming a stay at home mom I realize I’m so much more exhausted at the end of the day than I ever was when I worked outside of the house.

6. I believe red heads can rock wearing the color red.

7. I believe some people should just leave their eyebrows alone! PUT THE SHARPIE DOWN.

8. I believe in amber teething necklaces!!

9. I believe children should not be forced into gender roles and colors. If my son wants to be a princess he can be a princess. If my daughters want to wear clothing with trucks they can. If my son wants long hair he can have it. If my daughters want short hair, they too can have it.

10. I believe that no child should go to bed crying. I believe sleep training and cry it out methods are emotionally harmful.

Grandparent Christmas gifts

We live on a set budget. It’s called paycheck to paycheck. It’s just our life at the moment. So when it came to Christmas gifts this year I got crafty. Both my parents and my husbands parents are divorced and some have remarried. So that makes MANY sets of grandparents.

I found these awesome decorative plates at the dollar general for 2 dollars. I bought 6. 2 red, 2 silver, and 2 bronze. Took them home and added a little paint. Here is the final product:




The love plate is written in silver sharpie. We did thumb prints to make the word love look like a string of Christmas lights.

For the reindeer plate. The face is made out of a foot print. The antlers are hand prints. We put the hand prints at the tips of the foot print. The writing is in black sharpie.

The mistletoe plate is same simply with footprints of each kid.

Be sure to pin any of our projects you have enjoyed! Thank you